You will never change your life if you do not change what you do everyday.
Success does not appear someday in someone’s life. It is the same as failure. All is a process.

About the John Maxwell Team
John Maxwell’s team of coaches, trainers and speakers have been trained and certified by John to help you be intentional in your life both privately and professionally—by working with purpose and having a solid plan. Being intentional is about relying on a pre-determined strategy. Our coaches, speakers and trainers are equipped with the best materials and have developed the proper skill sets to work with you one-on-one, in group settings, and through workshops and seminars to visualize, create and execute a customized leadership strategy to best fit your needs.

Certified Member of
John Maxwell Team

Tran Ngoc Diep
(Diana Diep Tran)
Hand Phone: 090 328 7095

Tran Kim Chi
(Kacey Tran)
Hand Phone: 0903 46 0303

iChange Center


Everything we have is today. There will not be another today.
You can make your today a Masterpiece.

ATTITUDE – Many people wrongly believe that their attitude is set. It becomes a habit so they believe they cannot change it

PRIORITY – You have a great asset of 24 hours ahead. You and only you can decide how to spend that. Be careful, do not let others spend it for you.

HEALTH – If you know the value of good health but find it difficult to commit and follow health guidelines, John will give you good advices!

FAMILY – Success is impossible if I only achieve things outside but fail to bring my family with my journey.

THINKING – By applying and development your thinking everyday, your ideas will become better. Think more. Once an idea starts, it will become better and continue to improve.

COMMITMENT – When you can complete a task that you used to believe that you could not, you will become a new person. It will change the way you see yourself and the world.

FINANCES – Finance gives me options, not happiness as many people think. Don’t pay too much attention to reputation, power or money. One day you will meet someone that does not care about them and you will see how poor you are.

FAITH – True leadership starts with the heart with spirit and every. Not to act differently but to become different. Not to act honestly, but to become an honest person. My faith has not only given me peace, it has given me a wonderful model for leadership and life.

RELATIONSHIPS – To make friends, we need to be friendly, to appreciate people’s values and to expect the best from them. We need to evaluate people based on their best, give them our friendship instead of asking it from them.

GENEROSITY – Living for ourselves is very easy. I want to become the person I would like to live my whole life with.

VALUES – Albert Einstein said: “Try not to become men of success. Rather, become men of value.” The change in your life happens when you decided to change your values, because they are the foundation for everything you do.

GROWTH – I heard that some types of fish grow according to surrounding environment. If you put them in a small tank, they remain small when matured. Put them in big water, they will grow to their full potential. Same as people.