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Dr. John C. Maxwell is an expert in artistic leadership.

Dr. John C. Maxwell is an internationally recognized leadership expert, speaker, coach, and author has sold over 22 million books.

Dr. Maxwell has also trained more than 6 million leaders worldwide.

Every year he speaks to Fortune 500 companies, international government leaders, and organizations as diverse as the U.S. Military Academy at West Point, the NFL, The PGA of America, Chick-Fil-A, and the United Nations

The John Maxwell Team is a group of 25,000 John Maxwell Certified Coaches, Teachers, Speakers and Professionals in 160 countries

The John Maxwell Team is comprised of a team of certified trainers, trainers, speakers and professionals.

who offer workshops, seminars, keynote speaking, and coaching to aid personal and professional growth through study and practical application of John Maxwell’s proven leadership methods.


Ms.Diana Diep Tran

Diana Diep Tran has had a very exciting journey and experiences before becoming a trainer and coach. Her core value is to help people which has driven her to be a doctor, to work for the world largest nutritious corporation and finally to be a trainer and coach with more than 13 years of experience.
Her core value also motivate her to start up a business to grow organic vegetables, to help improve public health and protect environment.

Her philosophy is “you can’t give what you don’t have.” Which encourage her to continue learning and applying what she has learnt to her own life and company.

To be able to help people more, she needs to get better and better everyday.

Her various experience, life lessons and motivation to help people to achieve better life has great influence to her trainees and coachees

Ms.Kacey Tran

When Kacey was appointed Division Head of a commercial bank, leading almost 700 staff, she knew that she has to learn how to lead.
In her first month as Division Head in December 2016, she was told about John and his leadership and she immediately knew this was what she need.

That was how she join John Maxwell Team. After 20 months learning and applying leadership in her life and work, she was certified by John Maxwell Team in August 2018 and it was a turning point in her life.

Everything become so clear. She understood the simple philosophy “Everything is possible as long as you want it badly enough!”. She wanted to develop herself, she will achieve it if she wanted enough.

Also in August 2018, John launched his Free iChoose program for teen globally, targeting 50 million teenagers to learn iChoose in 5 years. This is another challenge for Kacey, because she wanted to share iChoose values to her kids, her nieces and nephews, and other teenagers. Because she knew that if she had known about these value when she was young, she would have had better choices and greater determination to get what she desired.

That was how the very first iChoose MasterMind Group start with her sons, nieces and nephew, 2 weeks after her trip to the US. Following was workshop about iChoose for Vinschool Central Park, her daughter’s school. The workshop got attentions from parents and students which led to more iChoose MasterMind Groups.

After 12 months, there have been 16 iChoose MasterMind Group for teenagers in Ho Chi Minh City, Hanoi, Da Nang, Thai Binh, Australia and New Zealand.

On 17 August 2019, the MasterMind Groups for teenagers in Save Our Soul – SOS Village were started, a project that Kacey has planned since early 2019.

And so our journey begins …

Ms.Ta Thanh Huyen.

I am a mother of two. Being a mother has always been my most important job and priority. I understand that in order to excel at this job, I need to learn and to grow every day. It has been an incredible journey for me, and one I would like to share with you all. After completing my Doctor’s program at the Hanoi Medical University in 1997, I took an unexpected career route of working for multiple international corporations pioneering in pharmaceuticals and nutrition. I enrolled in several positions such as sales, management, coaching & training and human resources during my time at those firms. Over 20 years of professional experiences have made me realize my desire to share, help others in their journey of growth and success. As a Trainer, Coach, and Mentor for over 10 years, I never cease to educate myself. I am now a verified trainer in several international organizations such as Development Dimensions International, Achieve Global, etc. Most recently I graduated and gained my MBA in human resources from Columbia Southern University as well as became an official member of the John Maxwell Team.

I have had the opportunity of coaching for thousands of employees from domestic and international companies during my 10 years of being of a professional trainer. These companies belong in a variety of industries including banking, finance, insurance, pharmaceutical, nutrition, construction, manufacture, medical and Medicare.

If you are interested in programs that can help your children in their journey of self-growth, I am here to help!
If you want to develop yourself and better your career as well as the lives of those around you, I am here to share!

John Maxwell once said: ‘Growth today is an investment for tomorrow’.

Let us be a part of your growing journey!!!
Together We learn.Together we grow!