To become a leader, you must have characters being cultivated over time.
Combining those characters with desire and determination,
  nothing can stop you from becoming a leader.

About the John Maxwell Team
John Maxwell’s team of coaches, trainers and speakers have been trained and certified by John to help you be intentional in your life both privately and professionally—by working with purpose and having a solid plan. Being intentional is about relying on a pre-determined strategy. Our coaches, speakers and trainers are equipped with the best materials and have developed the proper skill sets to work with you one-on-one, in group settings, and through workshops and seminars to visualize, create and execute a customized leadership strategy to best fit your needs.

Certified Member of
John Maxwell Team

Tran Ngoc Diep
(Diana Diep Tran)
Hand Phone: 090 328 7095

Tran Kim Chi
(Kacey Tran)
Hand Phone: 0903 46 0303

iChange Center


Leadership is Influence,
Nothing More,
Nothing Less.

Ensuring that everybody completes their task is management talent.
Encouraging people to get better is leadership talent.

The Definition of Leadership INFLUENCE – from level 1 to level 5. The Position level – everyone has to follow the leader, the Permission level – everyone wants to follow the leader, the Production Level – everyone follows the leader for contributions of leader in the results of the organization, the level of People Development – everyone follows leader because they are developed and supported, and the Pinnacle level – everyone follows the leader because of the characters of the leader.

The Key to Leadership PRIORITIES – Pareto principle 80/20. We will achieve high efficiency by focusing 80% of resources on 20% of important issues.

Consistency is the Most Important Element in Leadership – people will do what they SEE, not what they HEAR.

Creating POSITIVE CHANGE is a Leadership Test – Leaders need to make positive changes to create positive change in everyone they lead.

PROBLEM RESOLVING is the way to improve the Leadership skills – Leaders need to be able to see before and see more than others to solve problems before it becomes serious.

ATTITUDE is the Strength of Leadership – Attitude is your own choice, and successful people have a positive attitude. So which attitude do you choose? Positive or negative?

PEOPLE – which you need to develop – Leaders need to do well, guide others to do well and encourage them to reach their potential.

VISION, the Important Quality of a Leader – A leader possesses a vision, believes in it, and takes people there. Followers of leader believe in the leader before believing in vision.

SELF – DISCIPLINE, the Price of Leadership – Pointing at another person is very easy because the hardest one to follow discipline is always you.

TEAM DEVELOPMENT, the Most Important Job – If you can’t afford to hire the best people, hire young people who can become the best and train them. If you want to know whether a leader is successful, look at the people around them.