
Because many of today’s teenagers equate leadership with position, abuse of power, bribery, and corruption, few young people have a healthy and correct understanding of what leadership is and how they can apply it to their lives and the lives of others. John C. Maxwell has partnered with educational institutions around the world to produce this program and reverse the negative portrayal of leadership.

About the John Maxwell Team

John Maxwell’s team of coaches, trainers and speakers have been trained and certified by John to help you be intentional in your life both privately and professionally—by working with purpose and having a solid plan. Being intentional is about relying on a pre-determined strategy. Our coaches, speakers and trainers are equipped with the best materials and have developed the proper skill sets to work with you one-on-one, in group settings, and through workshops and seminars to visualize, create and execute a customized leadership strategy to best fit your needs.

Certified Member of
John Maxwell Team

Tran Ngoc Diep
(Diana Diep Tran)
Hand Phone: 090 328 7095

Tran Kim Chi
(Kacey Tran)
Hand Phone: 0903 46 0303

iChange Center


iChoose offers a desirable portrait of leadership based on values that can be applicable to a student’s life — values that teenagers can admire, implement, and choose to aspire to for a more positive and sustained style of leadership.

Choice – One of the greatest gifts you will ever receive is the gift to make choices.

Growth – The only guarantee that tomorrow will get better is if you grow today.

Attitude – Your attitude colors every aspect of your life. It is like the mind’s paintbrush.

Commitment – Victory is given to the one who finishes, not the one who starts.

Relationships – Relationships get better when we tear down the walls that divide us and build bridges that bring us together.

Character – Making the right character choices make us bigger on the inside.

Forgiveness – Forgiveness is a choice not to hold something against another person in spite of what they have done to you.

Self-Worth – The price we put on ourselves is the same price tag others put on us.

Responsibility – Step up to the mirror and take responsibility for yourself.

Courage – Courage is moving forward in spite of fear.

Initiative – You cannot win if you do not begin.

Priorities – Decide what your priorities are. If you don’t, someone else will.

Teachability – Your desire to improve your life begins with a teachable attitude.

Self-Discipline – Your level of success will be determined by your level of discipline.

Resilience – Be a diamond. Shine through the grind.

Influence – Your life is significant when you influence others in a positive way.